Our Story
IronEZ Story
Our product and story arose because of a need and an answer to a problem. I noticed this problem one evening as my wife was ironing in our family room. As many of us may relate to, she had the spray bottle sitting on the ironing board as she was busy pressing out wrinkles. Every couple of minutes though, without fail, the bottle would teeter and inevitably fall over from the motion of the iron, sometimes onto the floor where she would have to stop what she was doing and maneuver her way around the board to put it right back in its’ precarious spot to fall again. This happened several times before I realized that I’d experienced it myself! I thought there had to be something out there to fix my problem and was blown away when all my searches came up with nothing. Nothing at your name brand stores. Nothing on the internet. I decided to work towards fixing this problem. After a lot of brainstorming and feedback from people who were tired of bottles toppling over, the IronEZ was born! It gives your bottle a place to rest and be stored with your ironing board when folded up. We at A Game Products feel it fixes a problem a lot of people face, saving you a lot of time and frustration. Try it out and let us know what you think!